Hope Your Fourth of July is Perfect
Wishing Central Florida a Happy and Safe beginning to July. Enjoy the upcoming weekend. Perfect Temperature will be open Monday but closed on Tuesday for the July 4th Holiday.
You can contact the office of Perfect Temperature during working hours at 386-281-3385 or email office@perfecttemperaturefl.com . You can also use our online Request Form to set up service or get information 24/7. We look forward to serving you.
Perfect Temperature Air Conditioning and Heating Inc. bid for and has been selected by Crunch Construction (General Contractor Daytona Beach, FL) to install new spiral and rectangular duct work for the Embry Riddle University ICI Center locker room.
Keeping Your HVAC System in Peak Condition~
Preventive maintenance of your HVAC System benefits your economic bottom line. It can prevent costly breakdowns, reduce energy bills and greatly extend the life of your equipment. It is also a fact that many if not most HVAC manufacturers may require proof of routine maintenance to validate the warranties on your system.
While perfect Temperature may be the new HVAC company in the Daytona Beach area, the Manager, Jack Smith (I think that’s Irish, too ;0 ) has over thirty years business experience in Florida. He understands your needs, and has extensive knowledge of the particular challenges and circumstances involved in providing these services to Floridians.
We’re Open For Business
Perfect Temperature Air Conditioning & Heating Inc. is open. We look forward to serving Daytona Beach and surrounding areas.
Contact us at:
Ph: 386-281-3385
Or use the handy Request Form on this web site.